Constant stress, bad ecology, torn plan to work – all this adversely affects the health of modern man, and in their potency. According to statistics, almost a third of men, and is a very large number, concerned about this problem. And because women want their cavaliers always were full of forces, to add in the life of surfing. However, it is not going to require one who has problems with potency. So, what foods increase the potency in men?
One of the easiest ways for women who want to help their men, is to change the diet and add products, that the potency in men. But first you need to find the best suitable for this dish. So like some of the same food can increase male power and do better for health, increase libido, and also in what natural products-aphrodisiacs actually enhance the potency?

Many people know about it, that from the simplest products quail and chicken eggs positively affects potency. This is the reason why it is necessary to be constantly on the diet. The simplest food – scrambled eggs, its very easy to prepare, so try to start your morning with her. Note that if in the scrambled eggs add onions, then the effectiveness of even more intensified, because the onions – a natural energy drink and an aphrodisiac. Another amplifier of potency is meat. His is obliged to include in the diet of every man, however, access to consumption of meat should be planned.
Seafood and fish also positively affects the sexual activity of the stronger sex. For example, cancer of the broth, cooked seafood, gourmet meals to increase potency. The sauce is the best from luke, seasoned with parsley, lemon juice and tomatoes. Excellent aphrodisiac considered oysters and caviar. It should be noted that fish or meat well complement the vegetables. Now you know what products to increase the potency.
Folk recipes from all over the world
It is not superfluous will help folk recipes collected from all over the world. Recipes that contains aphrodisiac products of the negative potency in men. In Italy the best products for increase of male power has long been considered the olive oil and garlic, because they are used in many dishes of the cuisine of the peninsula. In addition, the italians issued baked tomatoes, as a means to improve potency. Everyone knows that men in Italy is very temperaments, because in their diet constantly present products-an aphrodisiac, as are nuts and seeds, are good effect on potency, because in them is vitamin Ie.
Indian cuisine is also rich in products that increase potency. Among them, sesame seeds with honey. Also honey and mix well with walnuts. In Siberia, in order to increase male potency used in food pine nuts. But not only eat, but also drink water from the cedar nuts.
What foods increase the potency in men, we will explain below. The food is need to add asparagus, cilantro, celery, parsley – this is a natural aphrodisiac. However, each nation have their own. In India – it is the coriander that are added to dough in the production of most foods. In Central Asia the amplifier of potency in men believe, pistachios, on Transcaucasia – products of sour milk. For southerners – figs that do not have only a good effect on the potency, but also improves the functioning of liver, kidney and heart. In the east to drink tea with ginger and cloves.
Proper nutrition
How did you come to products that can help a person to maintain and increase the potency, is very much. However, in addition to individual products, for male forces, they are still very important and proper nutrition. Mistakenly believe that these tips only relate to men in a decent age. It is not so because the right products, at any age, positively can act to potency.
Among individual products, which have a positive effect on the potency, emit red and black caviar - contains a lot of protein. Eat about 20 grams of caviar per month will help you to increase the potency. In many countries the men eat bananas, be stronger in bed. And it's not in vain, because in bananas a lot of vitamins, which have the effect of to increase potency. It is recommended to eat one banana a day, in this case male power will always be in the standard.
On proper nutrition, which will boost the potency, not superfluous will be a variety of spices – tarragon, thyme, cumin, anise. Dishes with these spices, have a very clear spicy taste. In the diet it is also important to leave room for all dairy products – yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese and other.
From what it is possible to give up?
It is necessary to limit drinking beverages with high caffeine content, energy companies, all this does is just an illusion the increase of male power. They are very harmful not only for the male body, but also in general. Frequent consumption of products with caffeine increase the burden on the heart and have a negative impact on the work of the blood vessels, which may eventually lead to thrombosis either to a heart attack.
Useless for male power pasta and potatoes. And here bakery products should be made from whole-grain rye flour, which contains many b vitamins Century. Products such as sausages, salami, hot dogs harmful to male potency. To do this you surely need to replenish the nicotine and alcohol. There is a misconception, which refers to the fact that alcohol increases the potency, leads to the fact that already at a young age with the boys is manifested by impotence. Alcohol acts excitingly only in the initial stage of use. If alcohol abuse problems with potency fail to avoid! This can lead to impaired sexual function and decreased libido. With alcohol need to be restrained.
Proper healthy meals, walks in the fresh air, the profession of sport – the eternal companion, which always help to maintain male power. Follow the healthy way of life and more often get out into nature, eat right, and you will be healthy!